

Dr sci Ljiljana Jeličić

Diplomirala je 1999. na Fakultetu za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju u Beogradu, magistrirala u Centru za multidisciplinarne studije u Beogradu 2006. godine, a doktorirala u Centru za multidisciplinarne studije Univerziteta  u Beogradu 2009. godine. Radnu, istraživačku i naučnu karijeru kao logoped-audiolingvista započela je u Institutu za eksperimentalnu fonetiku i patologiju govora "Đorđe Kostić" u Beogradu od 1999. godine. Od 2007. godine radno je angažovana u svojstvu naučnog radnika u Centru za unapređenje životnih aktivnosti u Beogradu. Svoje naučno interesovanje usmerila je na interdisciplinarna istraživanja verbalne komunikacije i to u oblastima rane dijagnostike i habilitacije dece sa poremećajima u razvoju sluha, govora i jezika, ponašanja i učenja, kao i rehabilitacije dece sa patologijom verbalne komunikacije. Posebno naučno in-teresovanje pokazala je u oblasti rane detekcije razvijenosti auditivne percepcije kao i u oblasti razvoja stimulativnih programa i prevencije poremećaja sluha, govora, jezika ponašanja i učenja kod dece. Takođe, intenzivno je angažovana u oblasti kognitivne neuronauke tj. ispitivanja procesiranja govorno-jezičkih i drugih kognitivnih aktivnosti analizom kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih karakteristika moždanih ritmova. Ovakav rad je rezultirao većim brojem studija istraživačkog karaktera kao i monografskih naučnih dela. 

Kao mentor i komentor ima veći broj doktoranata na Biološkom fakultetu i Centru za multidisciplinarne studije (CMS) Univerziteta u Beogradu i Medicinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Kragujevcu. Do sada ima oko 100 objavljenih naučnih i stručnih radova. Kod ministarstva za nauku Republike Srbije izabrana je za naučnog saradnika 2011.godine. 

Predavač je na akreditovanim seminarima ZUOV-a ("Inkluzija po meri deteta", "Unapredimo dečji razvoj", "Disleksije i disgrafije-izazov savremenog obrazovanja"), a učestvuje i u kontinuiranoj edukaciji diplomiranih logopeda i surdoaudiologa koji se primaju kao pripravnici u Institut za eksperimentalnu fonetiku i patologiju govora u Beogradu

Od 2000. godine učestvuje u realizaciji naučnih projekata kod Ministarstva za nauku Republike Srbije. Bila je član Organizacionog odbora četiri međunarodne konferencije. Član je Internacionalnog udruženja za prenatalnu psihologiju i medicinu (ISPPM) od 2005. godine. Član je Komore logopeda Srbije. Od 2014. godine je član naučnog saveta Prenatal Psychology or Life Sciences čije je sedište u Atini  (www.cosmoanelixis.gr). 


Reprezentativne reference: (max 10)

- Jeličić Lj. (2007). Prenatalni slušni skrining, Monografija, IEFPG, Beograd, ISBN: 978-86-81879-14-6, str. 74.

- Dobrijević Lj. (2011). Prenatalni slušni skrining u funkciji predikcije psihofiziološkog razvoja deteta, Monografija, CUŽA-IEFPG, Beograd, ISBN: 978-86-81879-30-6, str. 117.

-Jeličić Dobrijević Lj., Vujović M. (2012). Sluh i rana auditivna stimulacija, Monografija, CUŽA-IEFPG, Beograd, ISBN: 978-86-81879-41-2, str. 107.

- Jeličić Lj.,  Vujović M.,  Stevović N. (2016). Čitanje i pisanje – od stimulacije do uspešno savladane tehnike, CUŽA-IEFPG, Beograd, ISBN: 978-86-89431-09-4, str.263. 

- Radicevic Z., Vujovic M., Jelicic Lj., Sovilj M. (2008). Comparative findings of voice and speech: language processing at an early ontogenetic age in quantitative EEG mapping, Experimental Brain Research; Vo 184; ISSN 0014-4819, pp. 529-532. 

-Radicevic Z., Jelicic Lj., Sovilj M., Barlov I. (2009). Comparison of mapping quantitative theta encephalograms during directed and required visual–verbal activity and passive period in children with different disorders of speech–language functioning, Experimental Brain Research, Vo 195, (4); ISSN 0014-4819, pp. 569-574.

- Jelicic Dobrijevic Lj., Ljubic A.,  Sovilj M., Ribaric-Jankes K., Mikovic Z., Cerovic N. (2009). Changes in Doppler blood flow velocity in middle cerebral artery in response to airborne sound in low- and high- risk human fetuses,  International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Vol 73, Issue 10; ISSN 0165-5876, pp. 1381-1384.

-  Radicevic Z., Dobrijevic Lj. (2009). Functional dynamical systems in processing speech-language information in quantiative EEG. Speech and language: Interdisciplinary Research, III, LAAC and IEPSP, Belgrade, ISBN 978-86-81879-27-6,  pp. 31-46.

- Jeličić Lj., Adamović T., Veselinović I. (2016). Neurophysiological basis of prenatal auditory perception development. In: Psychophysiological child development: Prenatal, Perinatal and Postnatal Aspects,(Eds): Sovilj M., Jeličić Lj., Ada-mović T.; ISBN 978-86-89431-12-4, LAAC, IEPSP, Belgrade, pp. 31-92.

- Jeličić Lj., Stokić M., Subotić M. (2016). Electrophysiological correlates of speech and language information processing in children with verbal communication disorders. In: Electrophysiological correlates of functional speech-language signal processing, (Eds.): Jeličić Lj.,  Stokić M.,  Subotić M.,  ISBN: 978-86-89431-15-5, LAAC & IEPSP, Bel-grade, pp. 1-62.


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Publikovani radovi 


Monografska studija/poglavlјe u knjizi  ili rad u tematskom zborniku međunarodnog značaja

1. Radicevic Z, Dobrijevic Lj. (2009). Functional dynamical systems in processing speech-language information in quantiative EEG. Chapter in book: S. T. Jovičić, M. Sovilj (eds.), SPEECH AND LANGUAGE: Interdisciplinary Research, III. LAAC and IEPPS, Belgrade, ISBN 978-86-81879-27-6, pp. 31-46.

2. Dobrijevic Lj, Vujovic M. (2011). Early auditory perception and adequate stimulation, In Jovičić S.T., Subotić M. (eds): Verbal Communication Quality, Interdisciplinary Research, I; LAAC and IEPPS, Belgrade, ISBN 987-86-81879-34-4, pp. 189-216.

3. Vujovic M, Dobrijevic Lj. (2011). Effects of ottitis media on speech and language development.  In Jovičić S.T., Subotić M. (eds): Verbal Communication Quality, Interdisciplinary Research, I; LAAC and IEPPS, Belgrade, ISBN 987-86-81879-34-4, pp. 267-283.

4. Jelicic Dobrijevic Lj., Vujovic M. (2013). The positive effects of prenatal communication, In Jovičić S.T., Subotić M. (eds): Verbal Communication Quality, Interdisciplinary Research, II; CUŽA, Belgrade, ISBN 978-86-81879-46-7, pp. 517-533.

5. Vujovic M, Jelicic Dobrijevic Lj. (2013). Basal ganglia and stuttering, In Jovičić S.T., Subotić M. (eds): Verbal Communication Quality, Interdisciplinary Research, II; CUŽA, Belgrade, ISBN 978-86-81879-46-7, pp.587-603.

6. Jelicic Dobrijevic Lj., Vojnovic M,  Bogavac I. (2013). Exploring the acoustic vowel space in prelingual period, In Jovičić S.T., Subotić M. (eds): Verbal Communication Quality, Interdisciplinary Research, II; CUŽA, Belgrade, ISBN 978-86-81879-46-7, pp.55-74.

7. Janković-Ražnatović S, Plešinac S, Rakić S, Plećaš D, Sovilj M, Adamović T,  Cecez Đ, Dobrijević Lj. (2013). Prenatal sound stimulation and fetal middle cerebral artery pulsatility index, In Jovičić S.T., Subotić M. (eds): Verbal Communication Quality, Interdisciplinary Research, II; CUŽA, Belgrade, ISBN 978-86-81879-46-7, pp.534-549.

8. Jeličić Lj., Adamović T., Veselinović I. (2016). Neurophysiological basis of prenatal auditory perception develop-ment. Psychophysiological Child Development: Prenatal, Perinatal and Postnatal Aspects, (Eds): Sovilj M., Jeličić Lj., Adamović T.; ISBN 978-86-89431-12-4, LAAC, IEPSP, Belgrade, pp. 31-92.

9. Adamović T., Jeličić Lj., Subotić M. (2016). Early postnatal diagnostics in the prevention of psychophysiological disorders. Psychophysiological Child Development: Prenatal, Perinatal and Postnatal Aspects, (Eds): Sovilj M., Jeličić Lj., Adamović T.; ISBN 978-86-89431-12-4, LAAC, IEPSP, Belgrade, pp. 197-260.

10. Jeličić, Lj., Stokić, M., Subotić, M. (2016). Electrophysiological correlates of speech and language information processing in children with verbal communication disorders. In LJ. Jeličić, M. Stokić, and M. Subotić (editors), Electrophysiological correlates of functional speech-language signal processing, LAAC & IEPSP, Belgrade, Serbia. ISBN: 978-86-89431-15-5, Chapter 1, pp. 1-62.

11. Stokić, M., Jeličić, Lj., Nenadović, V. (2016). Role of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in anticipatory anxiety in people who stutter. In LJ. Jeličić, M. Stokić, and M. Subotić (editors), Electrophysiological correlates of functional speech-language signal processing, LAAC & IEPSP, Belgrade, Serbia. ISBN: 978-86-89431-15-5, Chapter 3, pp. 133-202.

12. Subotić M., Stanojević N., Jeličić Lj. (2016). Advantages of Neurofeedback training in improvement of children`s potentials.  In: Electrophysiological Correlates of Functional Speech-Language Signal Processing, (Eds.): Jeličić Lj.,  Stokić M.,   Subotić M.,  ISBN: 978-86-89431-15-5, LAAC & IEPSP, Belgrade, pp. 303-368.

13. Pavković, I., Jeličić, Lj., Panić, M. (2016). Monitoring of school success and social integration of deaf children after the treatment. In: Treatment of Verbal Communication Disorders in Children with Combined Pathology, Ed: Punišić, S., Maksimović, S., Nenadović, V., ISBN 978-86-89431-13-1LAAC & IEPSP, pp. 313-363.


Rad u međunarodnom časopisu

1. Radičević Z, Vujović M, Jeličić Lj, Sovilj M. (2007). Processing of voice information by an 75 days old infant in the quantitative EEG maps of brain electric activity, Int. J Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine, ISSN 0943-5417, Vol. 19, 3-4, pp.152-158.

2. Sovilj M, Adamović T, Stevović N, Barlov I, Jeličić Lj, Vujović M, Pavković I, Aleksić M. (2007). Procedures of diagnostics and early stimulative treatment in the prelingual period, Int. J Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine, ISSN 0943-5417, Vol. 19, 3-4, pp.159-169.

3. Radicevic Z, Vujovic M, Jelicic Lj, Sovilj M. (2008). Comparative findings of voice and speech: language processing at an early ontogenetic age in quantitative EEG mapping, Experimental Brain Research, Vo 184; ISSN 0014-4819, pp. 529-532.

4. Radicevic Z, Jelicic Lj, M Sovilj M, Barlov I. (2009). Comparison of mapping quantitative theta encephalograms during directed and required visual–verbal activity and passive period in children with different disorders of speech–language functioning, Experimental Brain Research, Vo 195, (4); ISSN 0014-4819, pp. 569-574.

5. Jelicic Dobrijevic Lj, Ljubic A, Sovilj M, Ribaric-Jankes K, Mikovic Z, Cerovic N. (2009). Changes in Doppler blood flow velocity in middle cerebral artery in response to airborne sound in low- and high- risk human fetuses,  International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology,Vol 73, Issue 10; ISSN 0165-5876, pp. 1381-1384.

6. Rakonjac M., Cuturilo G., Stevanovic M., Jelicic Lj., Subotic M., Jovanovic I., Drakulic D. (2016). Differences in speech and language abilities between children with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome and children with phenotypic features of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome but without microdeletion. Research in Developmental Disabilities, Volume 55, Pages 322-329.

7. Rakonjac M., Cuturilo G., Stevanovic M., Jovanovic I., Jelicic Lj., Mijovic M., Drakulic D. (2016). Speech and language abilities of children with the familial form of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. Genetika, Volume 48(1), Pages 57-72.

8. Maletić Sekulić, I., Veselinović, I., Jeličić, Lj., Šijan-Gobeljić, M., Dragutinović, N. (2016). Positive effects of hearing and speech rehabilitation on lexical fund quality in hearing impaired children. Vojnosanitetski pregled (u štampi, potvrda od 16. 09. 2016. godine). DOI: 10.2298/VSP160815375M. Full text http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/issue.aspx?issueid=2576


Radovi na međunarodnom skupu

1. Jeličić Lj, Sovilj M, Ljubić A. (2005).  Detection of fetal brain circular changes caused by a defined sound stimulus by the Sovilj-Ljubic method, Speech and Language 2004, 2nd International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Speech and Language, Proceeding,  (Eds.: Jovicic S, Sovilj M), ISBN 86-81879-09-X, IEPSP, Beograd, 2005, pp. 57-60. 

2. Barlov I., Jeličić Lj, Vujović M. (2005). The appearance of nasal voices as single and in voice combinations from 0 to 12 months, Speech and Language 2004, 2nd International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Speech and Language, Proceeding,  (Eds.: Jovicic S, Sovilj M), ISBN 86-81879-09-X, IEPSP, Beograd, 2005, pp. 207-211.

3. Radicevic Z, Jelicic Lj, Vujovic M, Sovilj M. (2006): Mapping of power and concentration of 24 days old infant's brain activity in examining speech language stimulation. First European congress of prevention, diagnostics and treatment of verbal communication disorders, Proceeding: Verbal Communication Disorders - prevention, detection, treatment. (Ed. Sovilj M, Skanavis M), ISBN 978-86-81879-19-1, IEPSP, PALO Patra, Greece; pp. 49-61.

4. Radicevic Z, Jelicic Lj, Vujovic M. (2006). Different profiles of mapping intensity of electrical activity at children with speech disorders in perceptive-lingual-vocal tasks, First European congress of prevention, diagnostics and treatment of verbal communication disorders, Proceeding: Verbal Communication Disorders - prevention, detection, treatment. (Ed. Sovilj M, Skanavis M), ISBN 978-86-81879-19-1, IEPSP, PALO, Patra, Greece; pp. 62-68.

5. Jeličić Lj, Sovilj M, Ljubić A. (2006). Application of Prenatal Hearing Screening (PHS) with eim to establish new methods of early auditory habilitation. First European congress of prevention, diagnostics and treatment of verbal communication disorders, Proceeding: Verbal Communication Disorders - prevention, detection, treatment. (Ed. Sovilj M, Skanavis M), ISBN 978-86-81879-19-1, IEPSP, PALO, Patra, Greece, pp.184-190.

6. Adamović T, Sovilj M, Jeličić Lj, Subotić M. (2006). Comparative analysis of newbornş cry coefficients and values of prenatal hearing screening, First European congress of prevention, diagnostics and treatment of verbal communication disorders, Proceeding: Verbal Communication Disorders - prevention, detection, treatment. (Ed. Sovilj M, Skanavis M), ISBN 978-86-81879-19-1, IEPSP, PALO, Patra, Greece, pp. 191-198.

7. Barlov I, Jelicic Lj, Vujovic M, Sulovic Petkovic K, Stepanovic V. (2006). Development of speech and language abilities of children with otitis media secretoria before and after the implantation of ventilation tubes, First European Congress of prevention, diagnostics and treatment of verbal communication disorders, Proceeding: Verbal Communication Disorders - prevention, detection, treatment. (Ed. Sovilj M, Skanavis M), ISBN 978-86-81879-19-1, Patra, Greece, pp. 87-96.

8. Jelicic Lj, Sovilj M, Vujovic M, Radicevic Z. (2007). The examination of fetal auditory perception: possibilities and importance of prenatal auditory stimulation,  17th International Congress of the International Society of Pre- and Perinatal Psychology & Medicine, Proceeding, (ISPPM), Moscow, Russia, pp 215-219.

9. Barlov I, Jelicic Lj, Sovilj M, Vujovic M. (2007). Influence of risk factors during pregnancy on speech and language development, 17th International Congress of the International Society of Pre- and Perinatal Psychology & Medicine, (ISPPM), Moskva, Rusija, pp 172-177.

10. Jelicic Lj, Sovilj M, Ribaric-Jankes K, Ljubic A. (2008). Comparison of prenatal and postnatal audiological examinations in group of children who were examined by procedure of prenatal hearing screening, 2nd  European congress of early prevention in children with verbal communication disorders, Proceeding: Early prevention in children with verbal communication disorders, (Eds.: M. Sovilj, V. Bojanova, M. Skanavis, S. Pantelic), ISBN 978-86-81879-22-1, Belgrade; pp. 33-38.

11. Radicevic Z, Dobrijevic Lj, Sovilj M, Vujovic M. (2009). Processing speech and language information in children with different speech language disorders in theta, alpha and  beta1 rhythm of quantitative encephalo-gram (EEG), 3rd International Conference on Fundamental and applied Aspects of Speech and Language, Proceedings - Speech and Language 2009 (Eds. M. Sovilj, S. Jovicic), ISBN 978-86-81879-26-9, Belgrade; pp. 67-72.

12. Barlov I, Dobrijević Lj, Slavnić S. (2010). Komparativna analiza sposobnosti glasovne analize i sinteze dece tipičnog govorno jezičkog razvoja i dece sa razvojnom disfazijom. Tematski zbornik "Smetnje i poremećaji: fenomenologija, prevencija i tretman, deo II", (Proceeding: "Disabilities and disorders: Phenomenology, Prevention and Treatment", Part II), IV međunarodni naučni skup "Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas", Editori Kovačević J, Vučinić V, ISBN 978-86-80113-99-9, Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation – University in Belgrade, Zlatibor, p. 41-48.

13. Dobrijević Lj., Vujović M, Sovilj M. (2012). Speech and languaga development in children from high risk pregnancies. Tematski zbornik "Unapređenje kvaliteta života djece i mladih", III međunarodna naučno-stručna konferencija "Unapređenje kvaliteta života djece i mladih", ISSN 1986-9886, Zlatibor, pp.433-443.

14. Vujović M, Dobrijević Lj., Sovilj M. (2012). Prevention of verbal communication disorders.  Tematski zbornik "Unapređenje kvaliteta života djece i mladih", III međunarodna naučno-stručna konferencija "Unapređenje kvaliteta života djece i mladih", ISSN 1986-9886, Zlatibor, pp.445-451.

15. Sovilj M, Selaković M, Dobrijević Lj., Adamović T, Nenadović V. (2012). Development of optimal children`s potential for learning. Tematski zbornik "Unapređenje kvaliteta života djece i mladih", III međinarodna naučno-stručna konferencija "Unapređenje kvaliteta života djece i mladih", ISSN 1986-9886, Zlatibor, pp.21-41.

16. Dobrijević Lj., Rakonjac M, Vujović M, Bogavac I. (2013). Prenatal communication: how it reflect on early child development. SPEECH AND LANGUAGE 2013, Proceedings, 4th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Speech and Language, Editors: Sovilj M, Subotić M, ISBN 978-86-81879-45-0; 25-26. October 2013, Belgrade, Serbia: 165-170.

17. Rakonjac M, Dobrijevic Lj. (2013). The influence of early communication on child development and learning. SPEECH AND LANGUAGE 2013, Proceedings, 4th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Speech and Language, Editors: Sovilj M, Subotić M, ISBN 978-86-81879-45-0; 25-26. October 2013, Belgrade, Serbia: 368-371.

18. Vujović M, Dobrijević Lj., Rakonjac M, Bogavac I. (2013): The role of basal ganglia in speech motor control,  SPEECH AND LANGUAGE 2013, Proceedings, 4th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Speech and Language, Editors: Sovilj M, Subotić M, ISBN 978-86-81879-45-0; 25-26. October 2013, Belgrade, Serbia: 177-182.

19. Vojnović M, Bogavac I, Dobrijević Lj. (2013). Vowel formant frequencies estimation for newborn children,  SPEECH AND LANGUAGE 2013, Proceedings, 4th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Speech and Language, Editors: Sovilj M, Subotić M, ISBN 978-86-81879-45-0; 25-26. October 2013, Belgrade, Serbia: 316-325.

20. Radicevic Z, Jeličić Dobrijević Lj., Stokic M, Subotic M, Stankovic-Milicevic I. (2013). Speech and language information processing obstruction in a bilingual child. SPEECH AND LANGUAGE 2013, Proceedings, 4th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Speech and Language, Editors: Sovilj M, Subotić M, ISBN 978-86-81879-45-0; 25-26. October 2013, Belgrade, Serbia:  171-176.

21. Jankovic-Raznatovic S, Plesinac S, Sovilj M, Adamovic T, Plecas D, Cecez Dj, Dobrijevic Lj., Koruga Dj (2013). Change of pulsatility index of middle cerebral artery after prenatal sound stimulation in no risk term pregnancies, SPEECH AND LANGUAGE 2013, Proceedings, 4th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Speech and Language, Editors: Sovilj M, Subotić M, ISBN 978-86-81879-45-0; 25-26. October 2013, Belgrade, Serbia: 275-278.

22. Vujovic M, Jelicic Dobrijevic Lj., Rakonjac M, Bogavac I. (2014). Articulation skills of school children age 7-10. 4th International Congress on Early Prevention in Children with Verbal Communication Disorders, Proceeding 2015, Varna, Bulgaria,  ISBN 978-619-201- 063- 8, p. 91-94.

23. Vojnović M, Jeličić Dobrijević Lj., Bogavac I. (2014). Specifics in children speech analysis, 4th International Congress on Early Prevention in Children with Verbal Communication Disorders, Proceeding 2015, Varna, Bulgaria,  ISBN 978-619-201- 063- 8, p. 218-223.

24. Rakonjac M, Jelicic Dobrijevic Lj., Drakulic D, Cuturilo G, Jovanovic I and Stevanovic M. (2014). The efect of the deletion 22q11.2 on early comunication in Serbian speaking children: children at risk. 4th International Congress on Early Prevention in Children with Verbal Communication Disorders, Proceeding 2015, Varna, Bulgaria,  ISBN 978-619-201- 063- 8, p. 85-90.

25. Vukić M, Jeličić Dobrijević Lj, Sovilj M. (2015). Holistic approach in diagnostics and treatment of developmental speech and language disorders: a case study.  Tematski zbornik "Unapređenje kvaliteta života djece i mladih" (II dio), IV međunarodna naučno-stručna konferencija "Unapređenje kvaliteta života djece i mladih", ISSN 1986-9886, Ohrid, 19.-21.06.2015, pp.329-335.

26. Bobic Gece B., Jelicic Lj., Vukic M. (2015). Autism and gastrointestinal disorders. SPEECH AND LANGUAGE 2015, 5th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Speech and Language, Belgrade, ISBN 978-86-89431-07-0, pp.314-319.

27. Radicevic Z., Jelicic Lj., Stokic M., Nenadovic V., Sovilj M., Subotic M. (2015).  Auditiry information processing in children with specific language impairment examined by EEG cartography. SPEECH AND LANGUAGE 2015, 5th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Speech and Language, Belgrade, ISBN 978-86-89431-07-0, pp.354-358. 

28. Vojnovic M., Jelicic Lj. (2015). Manifestation of lateral sigmatism in spectral domain. SPEECH AND LANGUAGE 2015, 5th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Speech and Language, Belgrade, ISBN 978-86-89431-07-0, pp.252-261.

29. Vojnovic M., Jelicic Lj. Bogavac I. (2015). Maximal vowel space as indicator of atypically articulation organs development. SPEECH AND LANGUAGE 2015, 5th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Speech and Language, Belgrade, ISBN 978-86-89431-07-0, pp.131-138.

30. Bogavac I., Jelicic Lj.,  Fatic S. (2015). Prevalence of articulatory errors among children with dyslalia. SPEECH AND LANGUAGE 2015, 5th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Speech and Language, Belgrade, ISBN 978-86-89431-07-0, pp.320-324.


Saopštenje sa međunarodnog skupa štampano u izvodu

1.  Nastović M., Marković M., Jeličić Lj. (2001). The familiy drawing as a diagnostic method in therapy with stuttering children,  6th World Congress for People Who Stutter, Ghent, Belgija, abstrakt br. 51.

2. Marković M., Jeličić Lj., Nastović M. (2001). Ability of verbal formulation and graphic construction of visual prezented material on children with disfluent speech, 6th World Congress for People Who Stutter, Ghent, Belgija, abstrakt br. 50.

3. Radicevic V., Jelicic Lj., Pantelic S. (2004). Lateral preferention in pronunciation of the voice R, 18th congress of P.A.L.O. (Hellenic organization of hearing, speech therapy and communication disorders), Patras, Greece, p. 23.

4. Sovilj M., Jelicic Lj., Adamovic T.(2005). Prenatal auditory screening and acoustically parameters of newborn crying in function of prediction speech and language disorders, - Međunarodni naučni skup Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija – Koraci i iskoraci, Beograd, p.46-47.

5. Radicevic Z., Sovilj M., Jelicic Lj., Vujovic M. (2006). The analysis of strength and coherence of infant brain activity in function of speech and language processing examination, 10th Anniversary Meeting of the Biofeedback Foundation of Europe, Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, DOI: 10.1007/s10484-006-9015-5, Vol. 31, No. 4, p. 348.

6. Jelicic Lj., Sovilj M., Ljubic A. (2006). Prenatal Hearing Screening Development by Defined Method Sovilj-Ljubic in Normal and Risky Pregnancies, NHS 2006 Conference “Beyond Newborn Hearing Screening: Infant and Childhood Hearing in Science and Practice”, Italy, p. 198. 

7. Radicevic Z., Sovilj M., Jelicic Lj., Vujovic M. (2006).  The mapping of theta and delta brain electric activity strength  in infant during conditions of speech and language stimulation, NHS 2006 Conference “Beyond Newborn Hearing Screening: Infant and Childhood Hearing in Science and Practice”, Italy, p. 17. 

8. Barlov I., Šulović-Petković K., Jeličić LJ., Stepanović V., Vujović M. (2006). Positive effects of aerotubes implantation on speech and language development at children with otitis media secretoria, First European congress on prevention, detection and diagnostics of verbal communication disorders, Greece, p. 28.

9.  Jelicic Lj, Ribaric-Jankes K, Sovilj M., Ljubic A. (2007). The examination of fetal brain circulation changes caused by defined sound stimulation, XX Biennial Symposium of the International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group, IERASG 2007, Slovenia, p. 70.

10.  Barlov I, Jeličić Lj, Šulović-Petković K. (2007). Comparative analysis of voices analysis and synthesis ability at hearing impaired and normaly hearing children at preschool age, 1st International Symposium in Bosnia and Herze-govina – Cochlear implant in the function of hearing, language and speech development, Sarajevo, Abstracts, p. 74-76.

11. Jelicic Lj, Sovilj M, Ribaric-Jankes K. (2008). Audiological examination of children who were examined by procedure of prenatal hearing screening in prenatal period. ICA 2008. 29th International Congress of Audiology: Latest Technologies, New Practices, Fiture Directions, Hong Kong, p. 44.

12. Barlov I, Sovilj, M, Jeličić Lj, Vujović M. (2008). Audiological findings in children with speech-language disorders in relation to presence of hyperbilirubinemia on birth. ICA 2008. 29th International Congress of Audiology: Latest Technologies, New Practices, Fiture Directions, Hong Kong, p.82.

13. Vujović M, Sovilj M, Barlov I, Jeličić Lj, Zlatković J. (2008). Audiological estimation and speech language and development in children who had otitis media with effusion by the age of three.. ICA 2008. 29th International Congress of Audiology: Latest Technologies, New Practices, Fiture Directions, Hong Kong, p.82.

14. Dobrijević Lj, Sovilj M, Ljubic A. (2009). Contemporary approaches relating to prenatal development of auditory perception and prenatal hearing screening, 3rd International Conference on Fundamental and applied Aspects of Speech and Language, Abstracts – CD, ISBN 978-86-81879-25-2, Belgrade.

15. Radicevic Z, Dobrijevic Lj, Sovilj M. (2009). EEG processing in speech language disorders at an early ontogenetic ages, 3rd International Conference on Fundamental and applied Aspects of Speech and Language, Abstracts – CD, ISBN 978-86-81879-25-2, Belgrade.

16. Dobrijevic Lj, Barlov I, Sovilj M. (2010). The estimation of speech-language abilities in children with speech-language disorders in relation to presence of hyperbilirubinemia on birth, 2nd International Congress on deafness: Communication and Learning, Advances in the Oral Modality, Universitat Autonoma de Barselona, CER-Gistal, Barcelona, Spain, p.50.

17. Dobrijevic Lj, Barlov I, Vujovic M. (2010). The estimation of  psychophysiological abilities in children from low and high risk pregnancies. Third European Congress on Early Prevention, Detection and Diagnostics of Verbal Communication Disorders, Greece, p.102.

18. Vujovic M, Jelicic Lj, Danicic M, Milenkovic M. (2010). Speech and language development and audioloical estimation in children who had ottitis media with effusion by the age of three. Third European Congress on Early Prevention, Detection and Diagnostics of Verbal Communication Disorders.  Greece, p.56-57.

19. Dobrijevic Lj., Sovilj M, Ljubic A, Stokic M. (2011). The examination of fetal cerebral circulation during defined sound stimulation. XXth Congress of Neurology, Morroco, p.1196.

20. Stokic M, Milosavljevic Z, Pecenica D, Bobic B, Djikovic S, Maksimovic S, Nenadovic V, Dobrijevic Lj. (2011). EEG Theta Band Neural Networks During Silent Reading in Children With Developmental Dyslexia, XXth World Congress of Neurology, Morroco, p.1208.

21. Dobrijevic Lj., Sovilj M, Ljubic A, Ribaric Jankes K, Mikovic Z. (2012). The examination of fetal brain circulation changes in low and high risk pregnancies, Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol 123, Issue7, p.e85-e86.

22. Radicevic Z, Dobrijevic Lj., Sovilj M, Stokic M, Ilankovic A. (2012). Dynamic comodulation phenomena of functional systems during processing of speech-language information in theta EEG rhythm. Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol 123, Issue7, p.e86.

23. Sovilj M, Radicevic Z, Stokic M, Dobrijevic Lj. (2012). Levels of closeness achievement in networks of α1 and α2 activity during movement observation in children with autism, Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol 123, Issue7, p.e85.

24. Jelicic Dobrijevic Lj., Vujovic M, Sovilj M. (2013). Intellectual ability and emotional maturity in children from high risk pregnancies. 15th International Congress of ESCAP, European Child + Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 22, Suplement 2, p.253.

25. Vujovic M, Jelicic Dobrijevic Lj. (2013). Critical period in speech and language development: the consequences of untimely stimulation. 15th International Congress of ESCAP, European Child + Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 22, Suplement 2, p.286.

26. Radicevic Z, Jelicic Dobrijevic Lj, Stokic M, Sovilj M, Subotic M. (2013). Theta dysfunction influence on speech and language processing in α2 and β1 rhythm in children with developmental dysphasia. Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol 124, Issue7, p.e16-e17.

27. Sovilj M, Radicevic Z, Dobrijevic Lj. (2013). The comparison of conscious and unconscious activity in the behaviour of theta and beta EEG rhythms during silent rehearsal of the known prayer and resting state. 4th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Speech and Language, Abstract Book ISBN 978-86-81879-44-3, Serbia, p.25.

28. Rakonjac M, Jeličić Dobrijević Lj., Drakulić D,Čuturilo G, Jovanović I, Stevanović M. (2014). Variability of speech and language problems in the children with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, V Congress of the Serbian Genetic Society, Serbia, Abstract book, ISBN 978-86-87109-10-0; p. 104.

29. Jeličić Dobrijević Lj., Rakonjac M, Vujovic M. (2014). The estimation of speech and language sybsistems, cognitive and socio-emotional maturity in children from high risk pregnancies,  V Congress of the Serbian Genetic Society, Serbia, Abstract book, ISBN 978-86-87109-10-0; p. 103.

30. Radicevic Z, Jelicic Dobrijevic Lj., Subotic M. (2015). Auditory information processing in children with subepileptic activity examined by EEG cartography. Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol 126, Issue 9, p.e182.

31. Adamović T., Jeličić Lj., Sovilj M., Vojnović M. (2016). Occurrences of consonants and vowels in sound links during the early prelingual period. 3rd International Scientific Conference - Contemporary research in phonetics and phonology: methods, aspects and problems, May 12-13, 2016; Riga. Abstracts. Latvian Language Institute of the University of Latvia. ISBN 978-9984-742-82-3; pp. 28-28.

32. Jeličić Lj., Adamović T., Vojnović M., Vujović M. (2016). Spectral analysis of lateral sigmatisms: pilot study. 3rd International Scientific Conference - Contemporary research in phonetics and phonology: methods, aspects and problems, May 12-13, 2016; Riga. Abstracts. Latvian Language Institute of the University of Latvia. ISBN 978-9984-742-82-3; pp. 26-26.


Istaknuta monografija nacionalnog značaja  

1. Jeličić Lj. (2007). Prenatalni slušni skrining, IEFPG, Beograd, ISBN: 978-86-81879-14-6,  str. 74. 

2. Dobrijevic Lj. (2011). Prenatalni slušni skrining u funkciji predikcije psihofiziološkog razvoja deteta. CUŽA-IEFPG, Beograd, ISBN: 978-86-81879-30-6,  str. 117. 

3. Dobrijević Lj., Vujović M. (2012). Sluh i rana auditivna stimulacija. CUŽA-IEFPG, Beograd, ISBN: 978-86-81879-41-2, str.106. 

4. Jeličić Lj.,  Vujović M.,  Stevović N. (2016). Čitanje i pisanje – od stimulacije do uspešno savladane tehnike, CUŽA-IEFPG, Beograd, ISBN: 978-86-89431-09-4, str.263. 


Poglavlјe u knjizi ili rad u tematskom zborniku nacionalnog značaja

1. Sovilj M, Jeličić Lj, Vujović M, Barlov I. (2004). Razvoj čula i ponašanja fetusa i istraživanja auditivne percepcije i prenatalne auditivne stimulacije. ''Govor i jezik - Interdisciplinarna istraživanja srpskog jezika: I'',  (Eds. Jovicic S, Sovilj M), ISBN: 86-81879-07-03, IEFPG, Beograd, p. 321-342.

2. Jeličić Lj, Sovilj M, Ribarić Jankes K. (2007). Značaj ispitivanja auditivne percepcije u prenatalnom i ranom postnatalnom periodu. Poremećaji verbalne komunikacije – prevencija, dijagnostika i tretman, (Urednik: Sovilj M), ISBN: 978-86-81879-16-0, IEFPG, Beograd, p. 85-107.

3. Jeličić Dobrijević Lj, Sovilj M, Barlov I. (2008). Longitudinalna studija ispitivanja sluha dece obuhvaćene prenatalnim slušnim skriningom. Govor i jezik – interdisciplinarna istraživanja II, (Eds. Jovičić S, Sovilj M), ISBN 978-86-81879-23-8, IEFPG, Beograd; p. 174-197.

4. Barlov I, Slavnić S, Jeličić Lj. (2009). Govorno-jezički status dece rođene iz Rh aloimunizovanih trudnoća. Istraživanja u specijalnoj edukaciji i rehabiticaiji (Research in Special Education and Rehabilitation), Ed.: D. Radovanović; Edition: articles and monographes; ISBN 978-86-80113-84-5, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, p. 115-126.

5. Veselinović, I., Maletić Sekulić I.,  Slavnić I., Jeličić Lj. (2016). Kvalitet života osoba sa staračkom nagluvošću. U: Specifičnost oštećenja sluha – novi koraci. Priredile: Slavnić S., Radovanović V., Beograd, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju. Izdavački Centar fakulteta, ISBN 978-86-6203-081-8, pp. 261-276.  


Rad u časopisu nacionalnog značaja

1. Vujović M, Dobrijević Lj., Rakonjac M. (2012). Kritičan period za razvoj govora i jezika. Beogradska defektološka škola, ISSN 0351-2169, Savez defektologa Srbije, FASPER, Beograd, UDK 372.76, br. 54, vol 18 (3), p. 505-514.

2. Rakonjac M, Dobrijević Lj., Vujović M. (2013). Genetic research regarding communication disorders. Beogradska defektološka škola, ISSN 0354-8759, Savez defektologa Srbije, FASPER, Beograd, UDK 372.76, br. 55, vol 19 (1), p. 123-135.

3. Bogavac I, Jeličić Dobrijević Lj., Vujović M. (2014). Risk factors associated with developmental articulation disorders, Beogradska defektološka škola, ISSN 0354-8759, Društvo defektologa Srbije, FASPER, Beograd, UDK 372.76, br. 58, vol 20 (1), p.119-126.  

4. Bogavac I, Jeličić Dobrijević Lj., Rakonjac M. (2014). Neposredna verbalna memorija kod dece sa disfazijom, Beogradska defektološka škola, ISSN 0354 - 8759, Društvo defektologa Srbije, FASPER, Beograd, UDK 372.76, br. 60, vol.  20 (3), p.627-638.

5. Vojnović M, Bogavac I, Jeličić Dobrijević Lj. (2014). Maximal vowel space method in analysis of vowels in prelingual speech phase, Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija, ISSN 1452-7367,  FASPER, Beograd, br. 2, Vol. 13, pp. 213-234.

6. Vojnović M, Bogavac I, Dobrijević Lj. (2014). Acoustic vocal tract model of one-year-old children, Telfor Journal, ISSN 1821-3251, Telecommunication Society, Academic Mind, BeogradNo.2, Vol 6, pp. 126 - 130.

7. Radicevic Z., Jelicic Lj., Bogavac I., Stokic M., Sovilj M.,  Subotic M. (2015). The changes in relation of auditory and visual input activity between hemispheres analized in cartographic EEG in a child with hyperactivity syndrome.  Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija, ISSN 1452-7367,  FASPER, Beograd, br. x, Vol. xx : in press.


Saopštenje sa skupa nacionalnog značaja štampano u celini

1. Vojnović M, Bogavac I, Dobrijević Lj. (2013): "Formantne frekvencije vokala jednogodišnjeg deteta", XXI Telekomunikacioni forum, TELFOR, Beograd, ISBN 978-1-4799-1420-3, p. 781-784.


Saopštenje sa skupa nacionalnog značaja štampano u izvodu 

1. Jeličić LJ, Marković M, Vasić N. (2001). Diferencijalno dijagnostički znaci kod razvojnih fonoloških poremećaja, Dani defektologa Jugoslavije, Aranđelovac, p. 73. 

2. Vasić N, Marković M, Jeličić Lj. (2001). Razvojna govorna dispraksija i govorno-jezički razvoj, Dani defektologa Jugoslavije, Aranđelovac, p. 76. 

3. Jeličić LJ., Sovilj M., Ljubić A., Jankes K. (2004). Prikaz metode Sovilj-Ljubić: detekcije moždanih cirkulatornih promena kod fetusa izazvanih definisanim zvučnim stimulusom, 12. kongres neurologa Srbije i Crne Gore sa međunarodnim učešćem, Novi Sad, p. 185.

4 Sovilj M, Jeličić Lj, Adamović T. (2006). Mogućnosti prenatalne detekcije poremećaja sluha i govora, Dani defektologa zajednice Srbija i Crna Gora, Vrnjačka banja, p. 7.

5. Sovilj M, Jeličić Lj, Adamović T. (2006). Prenatalna memorija i učenje, Dani defektologa zajednice Srbija i Crna Gora, Vrnjačka banja, p. 8.


Uređivanje naučne monografije, tematskog zbornika, leksikografske ili kartografske publikacije međunarodnog značaja  

1. Sovilj M., Jeličić Lj., Adamović T. Editors  (2016). Psychophysiological Child Development: Prenatal, Perinatal and Postnatal Aspects, ISBN 978–86–89431–12–4, IEPSP, LAAC, Belgrade. (352 str)

2. Lj. Jeličić, M. Stokić, and M. Subotić, Editors  (2016). Electrophysiological correlates of functional speech-language signal processing, Editors: Lj. Jeličić, M. Stokić, and M. Subotić, Publishers: LAAC & IEPSP, Belgrade, Serbia. ISBN: 978-86-89431-15-5, 371 pages.    


Odbranjena doktorska disertacija

Dobrijević Lj. (2009). Psihofiziološke karakteristike razvoja dece kod koje je u prenatalnom periodu ispitana reakcija na zvučni stimulus,  Centar za multidisciplinarne studije Univerziteta u Beogradu, Oblast neuronauka, Beograd.


Odbranjen magistarski rad

Jeličić Lj. (2006). Ispitivanje reakcije fetusa na spoljašnji zvučni stimulus, Centar za multidisciplinarne studije Univerziteta u Beogradu, Oblast neuronauka, Beograd.


Učešće na projektima:

2000-2005 projekat osnovnih istraživanja "Istraživanja govorno-jezičkih resursa srpskog jezik sa interdisciplinarnim aplikacijama u lingvistici, defektologiji i komunikacijama", MNTR, projekat OI - 1784.

2006-2010 projekat osnovnih istraživanja "Interdisciplinarna istraživanja govorno-jezičkih resursa srpskog jezika", MNTR, projekat OI - 148028G 

2011-2015 projekat osnovnih istraživanja „Interdisciplinarna istraživanja kvaliteta verbalne komunikacije”, MNTR, projekat OI - 78027.

2011 projekat integralnih i interdisciplinarnih istraživanja "Celularni i molekularni patogenetski mehanizmi poremećaja reprodukcije i genitalnih organa u prevenciji, dijagnostici i terapiji – podprojekat Tretmani antenatalnih hidronefroza", MNTR, projekat II 41021.




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